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You have something that you know needs to be upgraded or done.


Elapsed time

How much time has passed since you recognized the problem or since it became one?



Since recognizing the problem, how much time and therefore money

has your business lost?



We all attempt to put figurative band-aids on problems instead of shelling out money.

But, this is your business. Your money maker.

Therefore isn’t the cure instead of a band-aid an investment rather than an expense?



Imagine that your problem is fixed, the right way.

How much of an increase in profits will you see?

How many problems will no longer be there now that things have been well taken care of?



I am also going to throw in here that Return on Objective

is you as a business owner knowing that you need something.

How much will your profits increase if you invest in achieving that objective?

Return on Investment or Objective.

What do we mean by that?

Let me introduce you
to a new term: DECAF
Elapsed time
Goodness knows some of us could probably stand with more decaf.
Let me explain.
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